Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013

Kampus Teknologi Informasi di Jakarta salah satu nya adalah Universitas Budiluhur, dari sekian banyak Universitas di Jakarta, UBL termasuk dalam kampus terbaik di Jakarta. Universitas Budi Luhur memiliki  filosofi, “cerdas berbudi luhur adalah dua hal yang tidak terpisahkan, kecerdasan tanpa dilandasi budi luhur akan cenderung digunakan untuk membodohi dan mencelakakan orang lain, sebaliknya budi luhur tanpa diimbangi kecerdasan akan merupakan sasaran kejahatan dan penindasan orang lain.”- Drs. Djaetun H.S (Pendiri Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur)

Universitas Budi Luhur Fakultas Teknologi Informasi ada 3 jurusan, yaitu Teknologi Informatika, Sistem Informasi, dan Sistem Komputer. Kampus Universitas Budi Luhur bertujuan mengasilkan tenaga-tenaga terampil dan profesionaldi bidang komputer untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pembangunan nsaional. Agar dapat menghasilkan tenaga yang dapat bersaing nasional maupun internasional. 

Universitas Budiluhur memiliki Laboratorium Komputer dengan nama Lab ICT Terpadu, lab yang mendukung kegiatan perkuliahan mahasiswa ini terdiri dari 12 Laboratorium dan 1 ruangan Asisten.
Perguruan Tinggi di Jakarta ini juga memiliki banyak fasilitas dan layanannya selain Lab ICT. Perpustakaan yang lengkap dan nyaman juga dapat di nikmati oleh seluruh mahasiswa Universitas Budi Luhur.

Kampus Komputer ini juga memberikan beasiswa sampai 2 milyar lho… Jadi bagi anda yang sedang mencari Tempat Kuliah di Jakarta, langsung saja kunjungi situs atau langsung datang ke Kampus Terbaik ini. Yang beralamat di jl. Ciledug Raya, Petukangan Selatan, Jakarta Selatan, 12260, DKI Jakarta. Atau anda dapat juga menghubungi no.Telp 021-585 3753 dan Fax 021-585 3752

Untuk info lainnya bisa anda dapatkan dengan bergabung di Facebook dan Twitter Universitas Budi Luhur 

Cerdas berbudi luhur adalah dua hal yang tidak terpisahkan, kecerdasan tanpa dilandasi budi luhur akan cenderung digunakan untuk membodohi dan mencelakakan orang lain, sebaliknya budi luhur tanpa diimbangi kecerdasan akan merupakan sasaran kejahatan dan penindasan orang lain-Drs. Djaetun H.S
Beliau adalah pendiri dari Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur.

Universitas Budi Luhur merupakan kampus komputer terbaik di Jakarta. Kampus Utama Universitas Budi Luhur terletak di jl. Ciledug Raya Petukangan Utara Jakarta Selatan. Terdapat 7 gedung berlantai 4 dan satu gedung berlantai 5.
Dan Universitas Budi Luhur juga memmpunyai kampus cabang, yaitu Universitas Budi Luhur Kampus B yang terletak di Pusat Niaga Roxy Mas, Blok E.2 No. 38/39 (Jalan KH Hasyim Ashari) dan Universitas Budi Luhur Kampus C Salemba yang terletak di Sentra Salemba Mas Blok S-T (Jl. Salemba Raya No. 34-36, Senen, Jakarta Pusat)
Jakarta Capital Region, Jakarta.

Kampus yang didirikan pada tanggal 1 April 1979 ini memiliki Visi dan Misi sebagai berikut :


Menjadi Universitas unggulan di Indonesia berbasis teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi untuk mencapai standar mutu tertinggi pada tahun 2020 yang menghasilkan lulusan cerdas berbudi luhur


I. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan berbasis kompetensi untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang unggul dan mampu bersaing di Indonesia.
II. Memfasilitasi dan memotivasi sivitas akademika untuk dapat memiliki hak atas kekayaan intelektual sebagai aktualitas pencapaian mutu penelitian.
III. Melakukan kegiatan yang bermanfaat bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat luas sebagai bentuk nyata kepedulian universitas.
IV. Menyelenggarakan kerjasama dengan institusi pemerintah maupun swasta dengan prinsip kesetaraan.
V. Menyelenggarakan perguruan tinggi dengan akuntabilitas, kemandirian dan tata kelola berbasis sistem mutu.
VI. Mewujudkan manajemen akademik yang mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi dan kualitas hidup seluruh sivitas akademika.

Universitas Budiluhur memiliki beberapa fakultas yang akan anda minati, yaitu Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Teknik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, dan juga Akademi Sekertaris.
Universitas Budi Luhur melakukan peningkatan kualitas dan kepuasan layanan terbukti dengan didapatkannya sertifikasi sistem penjamin mutu internasional ISO 9001:2000 sehingga menjadikan Universitas Budi Luhur sebagai salah satu kampus terbaik di jakarta.

Untuk anda yang sedang mencari kampus terbaik di Jakarta, silahkan buka situs UBL
Info lainnya bisa anda dapatkan dengan bergabung di Facebook dan Twitter Universitas Budi Luhur.

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

The Jelly Click takes mouse portability to the extreme. All the electronic circuity lives on a small flexible board. The body itself is just soft plastic. Whenever you need a mouse, blow up the Jelly Click, attach the USB cable and you’re good to go.  As a bonus, it’s a total floaty for you swimming challenged people.
Designer: Bongkun Shin, Heungkyo Seo, Jiwoong Hwang & Wooteik Lim


The Yuno PC is a new personal computer concept designed to help you get the most out of your morning without holding you back or constraining you to a desktop PC. Everyone has their own routine, what they read, watch, listen to, and of course drink. The Yuno PC mug incorporates all the important morning alerts such as weather, time, traffic, stocks, and more on its touchscreen display. You can also display your own images as a screensaver if you just want to relax. It lets you enjoy the morning the way you deserve to, stress free and highly caffenaited.

Dont rush to order it immediately though, its still a concpet at the moment and will take some time to hit the market.

Because No Matter What --- Cats Always Land on their Feet! 

Make the world your playground

Cats find fun everywhere they go. It may just be a piece of tinfoil to you, but to Ms. Kitty it's an hour of enjoyment. Cats live in the moment. Consequently every act can be a sacred one. This requires presence and dedication. If we incorporated this notion into our lives, we'd all be a lot happier. As one cat lover remarks, her kitty taught her that the basic things in life like food, water, and a warm sweatshirt to sleep in (or on) are things that should be cherished.

In the same vein, cats always gravitate towards the sunniest spots in the house. So seek the light my child. If we live life according to Kitty, we should move towards seeing a situation from a positive aspect. In addition cats don't hold grudges. They may fight together but they end up next to each other by the end of the day. This is something we can all learn from because you should never go to bed angry with your loved ones.

Strut With Cat-like Confidence

No matter what, cats always land on their feet. Many cat owners will tell you that their furballs have taught them to have unyielding confidence no matter what the situation. If you do something that looks stupid, play it off and don't let it rattle you. Ever seen a cat throw up? They finish, shake it off, and go right on their merry way. There's no shame involved. Stay in your center and strut with certainty.

And don't be discouraged. The only thing that curiosity kills is a couple of hours. Cats will keep on at it until they catch that mouse or bird. They climb their way to the top. After all that's why the curtains are there. And if you do find yourself in trouble, just purr and look cute.

Get In Tune with Your Intuition

Cats have an amazing ability to sense energy. There is a school of thought, which holds that cats, being animals full of positive energy, actually break up bad vibes, stagnant energy or negative chi, says Ellen Dugan, cat expurrrt and author of The Enchanted Cat.
"With cats in our lives, we also have the opportunity to take some quiet time to discover our own courage, and to nurture our spirit. We learn to look within. At home, in the company of cats as we observe their intuitive and captivating qualities, we begin to appreciate our own inner magic."
Finally you picked the pet of your dreams, or of your children's dreams, and now he needs a name. What criteria do you use to give him the right name?
The first thing you need to remember is that you will use this name several times during the day. It therefore needs to be a name that you like. It also needs to be a name your pet can recognize easily. Complicated pet names are not only difficult to pronounce, but also will make your pet harder to get used to the name. There are obviously pets that won't really bother about their names, like fish for instance. In this case your imagination is your only limit.

Ideally, names should only be given to pets which are young in age and have never been called something else before. Changing a pets name can be a difficult task to digest, especially for the pet. One should always try to keep the same name for pets that have been adopted before.

How to choose a name for your young pet then? Here is a guideline to help you make this process easy for you, people around you, and most importantly your pet:
1. Whoever is involved in owning the pet should be part of the name selection process. Adults and children alike should participate in the process and all should feel involved in giving a name to your pet.
2. Pet names are normally going to be used in public areas. Keep in mind this when giving your pet a name.
3. The name should not be close to a command you would normally give your pet. Make sure the pronunciation of the name cannot be confused with something you are trying to tell your pet to do.
4. Your pet name should reflect his/her personality, and yours too. Remember, your pet will grow and a name given to a small and tiny creature might not be adequate in a couple of years time.

Make sure the right amount of research and effort is put in naming your pet. It is better to wait for another couple of days and rethink what you have chosen rather than changing your pet's name every week. The earlier you get your pet used to a name, the earlier you can start teaching your pet commands which you would like him/her to learn.

The choices for naming your pet are endless. One can get inspiration from many sources, like TV pet names, comic book names, celebrity names and more. Choose your pet's name wisely as it will be one of the words you will say or hear several times during the day.
Studies show, your emotional quotient and not your IQ is the best indicator of personal success. Where do you stand? Since the 1990s, scientists have been studying emotional intelligence. What does it mean you wonder? EQ (or emotional quotient) measures how well a person understands their own emotions and those of others, as well as how that information affects their actions.

Most notable in these studies is that when EQ is measured (amongst people with similar IQ scores), it corresponds directly to success. In other words, it's not just how "smart" you are, but how intuitive and able to manage your feelings you are that dictates how well you perform professionally - and in your personal life!

Do you want to know how high your EQ is? Take our quiz to find out.
Answer the following 5 questions and get a basic idea about your own EQ:

1. It's been a few days since a first date and the person you went out with hasn't called or emailed. You:
a. Analyze and re-analyze the date wondering what you did or said to put them off.
b. Assume they're dysfunctional.
c. Reach out to them (presuming you'd like to see them again). After all, what's the harm in asking.
d. Cyber/phone-stalk until you get a response.

The most emotionally intelligent answer is: c. While cyber/phone stalking would be aggressive and against your highest good, a healthy, simple expression of your desire to continue getting to know someone prevents you from over-analyzing the past or making judgments on the unknown. The emotionally intelligent person is connected to their own feelings and not dependent on someone else's for confirmation or validation.

2. The way I'd deal with an unwanted breakup would be to:
a. Go out immediately with someone else.
b. Sob forever - you can't get over lost love.
c. Figure out how to get them back.
d. Get my feelings out in order to move on.

The most emotionally intelligent answer is: d. While it's often easy to fall into someone else's arms or dive into a pint of Ben & Jerry's, and planning to win them back may seem the most imaginative, allowing yourself full emotional expression - crying, leaning on your friends, turning to counselors - is the best way to cope in this situation. Dealing with uncertainty is difficult and scary, but the emotionally connected face their fears and do what is best for their well-being as often as possible.

3. True or false: I expect perfection.
a. True - from others, but not from myself.
b. True - not from others, but from myself.
c. False - nobody's perfect and I try to be understanding of that.

The most emotionally intelligent answer is: c. While it may seem like people with high IQs would also have exacting standards, they also understand that we are all human and thereby subject to occasional screw ups. It doesn't mean they don't get disappointed, but they do work against perfectionist tendencies toward forgiveness and understanding of others and themselves.

4. Which of these answers would upset or frighten you:
a. Standing up for myself when I have been wronged.
b. Facing someone who is angry or upset with me.
c. Displaying affection.
d. None of these are upsetting even if they're not all fun.
e. All of them - I am not good in emotional situations, positive or negative.

The most emotionally intelligent answer is: d. Those who are able to interpret emotional situations know that they are entitled to feelings - and so are those around them. They may not enjoy uncomfortable exchanges but they recognize that clearing the air, accepting responsibility and letting those you care for know you do… are all valuable.

5. I expect other people to react and behave as I do.
a. Most of the time. We're all human. How different can our emotions be?
b. Sometimes, particularly in sensitive situations. But I usually look deeper after my initial reactions.
c. Rarely. I recognize that all of our motivations are different and try to act accordingly.
d. Never. I'm too damaged to judge anyone's actions.

The most emotionally intelligent answer is: c. On occasion we all fall back to what we know - ourselves. However, the most emotionally capable individuals recognize that we haven't all walked in each other's shoes and thereby, we don't always understand others motivations and can't assume a link to our own.
You love your friends. You have so much fun together and they really are there for you when you need them. But how do you know when a friendship has gone too far? Sometimes there's a fine line between depending on your friends, and feeling codependent.
But it never hurts to ask yourself a few questions - especially if you're the type of person who feels more secure if your relationships are based in crisis management. Or you start to feel overwhelmed with guilt if you don't invite certain friends along. If you start wondering if you're in a friendship or a headlock, you might be in a codependent friendship. Codependent can simply mean you are dependent on the needs of another or controlled by them. The real question is, has it become unhealthy?

Number 1
If we had good parenting, we've all learned to put others before ourselves... but if you are painting the living room red just because it's your best-friend's favorite color and they're a little down right now, then you are in co-world! You may not have a situation quite that colorful, but if you are slipping into a comforter of self-pity when you think about how you have sacrificed for your friend or how you are going to give up your weekend organizing their home and life, then you have to look at your motives. Is it really friendship if it feels like martyrdom?

Joined at the hip
If you always have to bring your friend everywhere then you've lost your social autonomy. It's fun at high school parties, but for adults it's just weird! By channeling all your friendship intimacy to one person, you aren't allowing anyone else to meet your needs as a friend. Most of the time, codependent people are actually scared away from people with healthy boundaries! It doesn't fit in the set up. So, this just drives them back into the codependent relationship. Yeah, it's a real pickle.

Letting your favorite shoes or jacket go out without you is one thing, but getting finances enmeshed or (even more creepy!) passing on ex loves is just out! Codependency is a strange dance. You usually have one person who is super dramatic and needy in their never-ending crises of unsolvable problems. Then you have the co-person who seems like they are just helping a friend in need, but actually the "help" is about taking the "drama queen" hostage and taking over the situations. So if you are handing over too much to a friend in need, you're too close for comfort!

Caretaker vs. true friend
Most codependent behavior is learned with the primary family. Perhaps a parent was addicted or emotionally reckless and as a child you were pushed into the role of caretaker. By believing that caretaking is the definition of love, people become attracted to others who need help just to get along in their day-to-day lives. If you are wondering if a current friendship is codependent, look at your past. Do you usually have one "best friend" that takes over your life for a period of time? Did you feel abandoned when the friendship ended? Codependent relationships conclude when either the drama queen moves on to someone with even fewer boundaries - like a romantic relationship that might offer even more financial or social gain, or the co-person is just so exhausted that they attack, suddenly feeling abused or taken for granted.

If you have found yourself in the tango of codependency, back away slowly. It may not end pretty, but better sooner than later. Take time to find out what in you doesn't feel worthy of real friendship and heal yourself first. Get to the heart of what has set up this pattern and set yourself free. Soon you'll be attracting people into your life who value your companionship - not just what you can fix for them. Friendship is a gift from the gods, one of life's sweetest treasures.
By tapping into the riches of healthy friend connections, you'll attract love in abundance

Rob Lucci is the strongest member of the CP9 operating undercover to obtain the Pluton blueprint from Iceburg. Introduced as one of the five foremen of Galley-La Company's Dock One, he was a sawyer, treenail, and bolt specialist. He is one of the main antagonists of the CP9 Saga, specifically the Water 7 and Enies Lobby Arcs.


Rob Lucci is a very tall and slim, yet muscular man with arched eyebrows and a close-shaved goatee. He has shoulder length wavy hair that is sometimes tied in a ponytail. When he is not fighting, his pet pigeon Hattori is usually perched quietly on his right shoulder. He has a tattoo of a crossed-out square on each upper arm, as well as five cannonball scars on his back in the shape of the World Government symbol.
He wore a large black top hat with a sepia band until he lost it during his fight with Luffy. As a shipwright, he wore brown trousers with caramel suspenders over a white tank-top and shoes with black toe-caps. As an assassin, he wore a fancy black suit with the sleeves normally rolled up, with black leather shoes and a white tie and handkerchief in the breast pocket.

Lucci was drawn as a child by Oda after a fan asked to draw the CP9 members as children. Oda drew young Lucci with the kanji for "peace" (平和 heiwa?) on his shirt, which possibly suggests that the branch Lucci is holding is an olive branch in tribute to the type of branch held by white doves (in this case Hattori) as a sign of peace.

The anime had also portrayed Lucci as a teenager in its rendition of his past story. Though the two portrayals of Lucci are meant to be him, they have different styles to them, mostly because Oda's version was drawn after the anime had already depicted him and not just because they show him at two different ages. Note that Oda did depict the silhouette of thirteen-year-old Lucci from the backside, though only briefly - this most likely is where the anime design for him originates.

In CP9's Independent Report, he wore a light spotted shirt with a black coat over his shoulders and had bandages over his forehead and chest from his fight with Luffy and let his hair fall freely.



During the time he was in Water 7 as a carpenter, Rob Lucci never spoke, preferring to instead talk through his pet pigeon, Hattori, using ventriloquism. However, after he revealed himself to be a CP9 agent he spoke normally, with Hattori becoming a regular pigeon that displayed some human qualities. Hattori always rides on Lucci's shoulder until Lucci begins fighting, at which point he will fly overhead until the battle is over. Lucci seems to have a rivalry with Paulie, and often chides him for having money problems. Because of this rivalry, the two often fight; however, the matches generally end before there is a victor. Other than this, however, Lucci appears to be very distant from everyone else, including the other foremen and Iceburg.


Lucci comes off as a cold and collected CP9 agent, almost never displaying any emotions (nevertheless even he displayed shock at the knowledge that Franky had the Pluton blueprints the whole time, and is shown smirking when convincing Kaku and Kalifa to eat Devil Fruits as well as when he and Spandam realized Luffy was following them, probably because of his lust for battle). In spite of his seeming lack of emotions, he does not like being insulted. During his fight with Luffy he did not pay attention to Usopp, until he started to insult him. An example is the brutal assault on his friend of five years, Paulie, whom he even tried to kill after the CP9's identities had been revealed. He also states that he feels no true bond with the city he's lived in for five years, and he seems to have no feelings for his fellow CP9 colleagues, least of all Spandam.
Interestingly enough, he does react rather violently if anyone calls him a gakki (slang in Japanese for kid or brat), responding with a kick and a retort both times after Iceburg and Franky referred to him as such. He finds it offensive when someone speaks weakness around him, and going as far as to dismiss a new colleague by presumably killing him for being weak. The reason that he killed the five hundred soldiers in his past was due to another belief of his - the belief that weakness is a sin. He also believes if he is involved then the situation means blood will be drawn and that he also does not have to accept the views and ideals of his superiors as long as he completes his missions efficiently.

In combat, he is a very violent fighter, and seems to derive amusement and gratification from inflicting physical and emotional pain on others, making him a typical sadist. These scenes, along with when he anticipates battle, are the only times where he seems happy at all. In the Tower of Justice at Enies Lobby, he reveals that he only joined the World Government so he can be legally allowed to kill people. An example of Lucci's lust for violence is when he compromised the mission of bringing Robin to the Gates of Justice by allowing Monkey D. Luffy to tail him, for the sole purpose of having a battle, smirking when Luffy burst through the door. Lucci's violent and cruel nature is also shown when he goes into full-beast mode during battle, in order to attack Luffy more violently. Another example of his sadism is when Lucci flooded the underwater passageway to the Gates of Justice in an attempt to kill the Straw Hat crew members in the passageway, because he wanted to eliminate Luffy's chances of having everything just to anger him.

Despite all this apparent lack of morality, he has displayed some, if very little, sympathy for those he dubs innocent; when the Candy Pirates are attacking a small village, he quickly dispatches the captain to save the people, though his demonstration of Absolute Justice later prompts him and his comrades to leave. This shows that deep down, he's not completely heartless.

Montblanc Noland is regarded in a North Blue fairy tale as a trickster and a liar who made up the story of a gold city on Jaya. He was an Admiral in the Lvneel Kingdom and made multiple trips into the Grand Line. He stood by his story even up until his execution.


Noland was a brown haired man whose most distinct feature is a large chestnut on his head. This feature was passed down to his descendants. He was a well built man who often wore a high-collared black coat, closed by a belt, and an orange scarf. Cricket was right to suggest that he is so far removed from the main family that he bares no resemblance to him at all. While Noland had tannish skin, Cricket is very pale; while he had brown hair, Cricket is blonde; and while Noland had a roundish nose and pleasant face, Cricket has a small pointed nose and a longish face.
His legs were covered by striped black and white pants, and his feet by standard shoes. Hidden under his coat, he had a orange sash adorned with medals-like pendants. He carried around his sword, a katana with a chestnut-shaped handguard and a orange and white hilt-bandaging, on his left hip, in an orange scabbard with a green band on it. On the left side of his chest is a large cross-shaped scar.

After his execution, Noland's image was distorted over the years due to the shame that was brought to his name. Since then, whenever someone refers to Noland, the image of an ever smiling idiot is the one that commonly comes into mind. This defacing image is the one often drawn by artists in children's books. His nose is shaped like a spork.



“ The admiral doesn't hate gods or the dead people but he has always known what is more important. ”

The real Noland was an honest and good man who was brave and cared about people, despite what history remembers him as. He was happy-go-lucky, had a strong determination and was friendly. His only flaw seemed to have been acting without consulting people on things (such as cutting down the Shandians sacred trees), however he only did what he thought was (and usually is) best for people. He did not hesitate for a moment in risking his life to save Mousse and also took it as his duty as an explorer and researcher to eradicate the curse (tree fever) which plagued the inhabitants of old Jaya island. He was also in deep remorse after learning that trees which he cut down to save the people of Jaya island were considered to be sacred and asked his crew to leave all the gold behind as a sign of grievance for the crime they committed.


The Noland who is depicted in the stories is a grinning fool who often went away on long expeditions only to return with stories that seemed unbelievable. In the end as far as the story was concerned, Noland pushed his luck with the bragging of a whole city of gold and it was a lie that cost him dearly, his life.

Abilities and Powers

Montblanc Noland was an exceptional seaman and captain who maintained the utmost respect of his crew and together they made multiple expeditions into the Grand Line. While lesser sailors would not return or be completely traumatized by even a single trip, Noland and his crew were able to return safely each time.
Noland was shown to be extremely strong in combat both bare handed and with a sword. He was on even terms with his friend Calgara, who was believed to be the strongest warrior in the history of the Shandian village. Noland defeated the huge God Serpent Kashigami in a single sword strike, saving Calgara's daughter who was about to be sacrificed. It is necessary to emphasize that even Zoro and Wiper fighting together were not capable of even hurting Nola (who was at the time a similar size to Kashigami). Also another feat of strength was that he was able to kill a Sea King underwater single-handedly to feed his crew, and he himself noted even this was not his full potential. This not only speaks about his monstrous physical strength, but also his sword mastery.

Noland has also shown to have superhuman endurance. After being caught in a fissure for several hours (before and after Calagara found him) he was still able to remain conscious, which led a shocked Calgara to note his surprise at the fact that he was still alive. Despite the gargantuan weight of the landmass crushing him, he was still able to slightly move it, not enough to free himself, but enough to shock Calgara by his impressive feat of strength.

Noland was also a very skilled diver, diving to such depths and for such long durations that his own crew could not tell if he was still alive or not. Noland had exceptional combat power in the water as he did on the ground, and would frequently dive into the sea to hunt giant fish for provisions. This diving skill was apparently inherited by his descendant, Montblanc Cricket.

He was also a skilled botanist and doctor, almost single-handedly curing the Shandian village of the tree plague. All of this is in addition to his intelligence, resourcefulness, and his nature to see through to the heart of things and take action to do what is right, unfettered by authority or beliefs.

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

The computer was created for our convenience. And it does provide us with all that when new or newly formatted. However as the number of files accumulate, things start to become unmanageable. A carelessly placed file here and another there, unnecessary files hogging space in your folders, loads of junk mail undeleted and desktop overflowing with shortcut icons – all these things can make a convenient tool a big headache. After all what good is a storage system if you can’t find a particular file when required?  

To avoid such headaches and unnecessary cursing at times of stress, you should organize all your files and folders and stick to that rule.

First of all start with the weeding of unnecessary files. Check for any unwanted, useless files and get rid of them. If you don’t feel so safe about deleting them, store them in a separate folder and work on their importance later.

Clear your desktop too. Keep only the shortcuts to mostly used programs on your desktop and quick launch bar. No sense in keeping shortcuts to programs that you use once in a while. We have the start menu for this purpose.

For your home computer categorize folders in terms of subjects like personal, work, photos, documents, letters and so on. For your office computer you might find it easier if you categorized your folders in terms of dates. For each month create a folder and in it a subfolders for each day of the month. Inside each you may add a text file with some comments. For more important work or projects though, you are better off with specifically named folders.

Avoid building the folder tree too deep. Creating sub folders within sub folders of sub folders can confuse you thrice as much as it sounds. Try limiting it to folders, sub folders and sub folders if possible.

At the end of the week, make it a habit to clean up your computer. Schedule a time for this activity and stick to it. The more you procrastinate, the larger and unmanageable the task will become.

If you follow these steps with a little disciple and commitment, you won’t have much difficulty in keeping an organized and well maintained computer system
Technology is changing at a rapid pace. With in a short span of time, we have witnessed a vast change in the technological sector, and its impact on our daily lives can be felt. With the rate at which the technology is evolving, it is hard to predict what will happen in the near future. What is today everyone’s handy gadget may not be so tomorrow. With the passage of time and the evolution of technology, new products will appear in the market but only a few will reign, the rest will disappear. However the change they introduce into our lives will remain, or in other words, the changes in the technology will change our lives. Of that we can be sure as we have already experienced them.

Technology has changed the life of all those who have come in contact with it. Some changes are more direct than others and their effect more permanent. Such to the extent that it changes the way we perceive things and in fact it determines how we get along in life. What these technologies are that actually cause such major changes in the life of a person can’t be exactly pointed out as every one of us are influenced by different technologies and other non-technological things.

But nevertheless we are very much affected by the technological changes that assist us in our daily lives. Our lives have been influenced to a point of no return by these advances in devices and services. What are the technological advances or inventions that have changed our lives? Here are some 10 revolutionizing items we came up with and are listed  in no particular order.
  1. Computer: the father of laptops, computer must be the greatest invention till date.
  2. Internet: Resized the world in terms of information accessibility.
  3. Cell Phones: Redefined “staying in touch”.
  4. iPod: Changed the way you walk down the street.
  5. The washing machine: No doubt played a role in the women’s Liberation!
  6. Debit Cards: Who needs cash when you’ve got a debit card?
  7. Digital Cameras: Revolutionized the way we view pictures, or more precisely take pictures.
  8. Contact lens: Took a load off the nose and ears!
  9. Satellite TV: Redefined home entertainment and turned the idiot tube into a dumb blonde!
  10. DVDs: Better pictures and sound and most importantly eliminated the need to rewind.

Much of the most important learning happens through social interaction. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction is an international journal devoted to the publication of high-quality research on learning within, and through, social practices. Its particular focus is on understanding how learning and development are embedded in social and cultural activities, and how individuals and collective practices are transformed through learning.

Such understanding requires a careful analysis of learning in social context, and of the communicative processes involved. In-depth studies of interaction in schools (in various subjects and settings), universities, work-places, voluntary organizations, public agencies, hospitals, laboratories and other institutional settings will be welcome, as well as studies of informal settings such as everyday conversations, play settings, youth clubs, games and other cultural practices. Longitudinal studies of learning trajectories are relevant as are analyses of contexts and interactional patterns that hinder learning. The important point is that the relationships between cultures, social interaction and learners (and teachers) are in focus.

The term 'interaction' includes forms of communication which take place through technologies of various kinds (telephone, the Internet, presentation technologies and so on). Interaction between people and artefacts, insofar as they address learning, are also relevant. Thus, the focus is not exclusively on face-to-face interaction. Also, issues of collective forms of learning characterizing systematic change, institutional development and communities of practice are central for the journal.

The journal is multidisciplinary and invites scholars from relevant disciplines including psychology, anthropology, linguistics, sociology, communication studies and all areas of educational research. Data may come from ethnographies, experimental approaches, intervention studies, case studies, interviews, questionnaires, self-reports, cross-cultural comparisons, archives etc. Articles of different kinds will be welcome: reports of empirical research, theoretically orientated analyses, contributions to method, literature reviews, meta-analyses of research etc. There will be no restrictions when it comes to age levels or social settings. A strong expectation will be that authors write clearly and accessibly for an international and multidisciplinary audience.

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Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

“ In the last moment of his life, he turned his fading "flame of life" into a huge fire that enveloped the world. I've never laughed more than on that day...!! I've never cried more than on that day... I've never drank more either..!! He was our captain... and he was a magnificent man...!!!

In the final days of Roger's reign, he had attained more wealth, power, and fame than anyone could imagine. Though now known as the Pirate King, Roger was well-aware of his own mortality. As if seeing the end, he disbanded his crew in secret. Before his death, he told Rayleigh he would not die. He also informed Whitebeard that he was going to die before his execution. Whether he was referring to his illness or him giving up to the Marines, is unknown. Here, he also informs Whitebeard of the meaning of the people carrying the Will of the D. Also, someday he met Portgas D. Rouge, a woman living in Baterilla, that would later become the mother of his son, Ace. Roger then turned himself into the Marines and scheduled to be excecuted. While in prison, he asked of Garp to take care of his son when he was gone, saying that an infant child should not be labeled a criminal for his family ties. Although Garp said he had no obligation to do so, Roger knew he would do it anyway.

Roger's execution in LoguetownRoger's execution in Loguetown.
Thinking they would make an example of him to prevent others from becoming pirates, they immediately set up his execution in Loguetown. But as he was about to die, Roger yelled out his famous last words. The swords of the executioners fell and the greatest pirate of them all died. This was thought to of been a warning to all and extinguish the hopes of all pirates, but it failed. The last words of Gold Roger ignited the excitement of the world, and thus began "The Great Age of Pirates", dubbed by a few characters as the "Age of Dreams". The echoes of his influence resonate further into the current era, and shape most of the world after his death. As far as directly influencing major contenders, those known to be present at his execution include his apprentices Shanks and Buggy; the Shichibukai Crocodile, Donquixote Doflamingo, Hawk Eyes Mihawk, and Gecko Moria; the revolutionary Monkey D. Dragon; and it can be assumed from their conversation with Shiki that Monkey D. Garp and former Fleet Admiral Sengoku attended as well. Twenty two years after his execution, as Whitebeard was about to die, he revealed to the world that Roger's treasure, One Piece, is real and inferred the consequences of what would happen once it was discovered. This triggered the New Age of Pirates to be created out of Roger's legendary treasure.

The Beginning

Born in Loguetown, Roger was famed as the man who did what no one thought possible - he conquered the Grand Line. It would seem that he had been around for some time, considering that Brook refers to him as a rookie, more than 50 years before the original storyline. Before he formed his crew, he met Silvers Rayleigh, a young man who was living on a ship he had stolen after his house had burnt. Roger said that it was a fated meeting and asked Rayleigh to join him.

Unavoidable Fate

Twenty-six years before the start of the story (four years before his death), Roger came down with an incurable disease. He decided to pitch one last journey with his crew into the Grand Line. Upon reaching the lighthouse at Reverse Mountain, at the entrance of the Grand Line, he recruited Crocus as his doctor that would be responsible for keeping him alive until the completion of his journey.
Their journey took them to Skypiea and later Water 7 where the shipwright Tom built them a ship called the Oro Jackson.
Two of the most powerful opponents Roger faced on his journey were Marine Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp and the pirate Edward 'Whitebeard' Newgate. The former is said to have cornered him many times on the journey, and the latter was the closest rival to his title. It is said that Whitebeard was the only one capable of matching Roger in combat.

Before reaching Raftel on his final journey, Roger was approached by the "Flying Pirate" Shiki, who had learned that Roger had located an Ancient Weapon. Seeing the opportunity, he asked Roger if they could join forces. With his large pirate fleet and Roger's weapon, Shiki believed that together they could take over the whole world, even telling Roger that what happened between them in the past was now forgotten. Despite the urge of one of his apprentices, Roger refused Shiki's offer, saying that he wanted to be free to do what he wanted. Shiki then announced that his answer meant the death of him, while Roger said it meant that he would beat him and a great sea battle soon ensued between their crews.  

Roger was spared due to a storm that happened during their fight, half of Shiki's fleet sunk. Despite this and getting a piece of a steering wheel lodged into his head that almost killed him, Shiki came to have great respect for Roger.

Near his death, Roger had a final meeting with Whitebeard, as he told him about the nickname the government gave him, Gold Roger, and the secret of the Will of the D.